Reese’s is finally opening up about its impulse to put peanut butter in stuff. Whether it’s a chocolate cup, a candy shell or an exquisite high heeled shoe, when the people at Reese’s see something, they tend to think “could we put peanut butter in that?”. This may seem like a weird query to some, but Reese’s knows the truth: it often lands you in a very delicious place.

In this new campaign by Mother London, Reese’s invites the general public to explore this impulse for themselves – to behold something as simple as a shoe made of chocolate and recognise how lovely it would be to put peanut butter in it. Accompanied by an evocative voiceover, provided by comedian Henry Paker: “Look at that. An exquisite high-heeled shoe. I know what you’re thinking… You want to put peanut butter in it, don’t you? It’s ok. That’s what we’re into too. In fact, that’s our whole thing.”

Jackson Hitchon, GM Europe & World Travel Retail at The Hershey Company, commented: “We know Reese’s is deliciously different, it is not your ordinary product and that is something we celebrate – we want everyone to taste the combination of chocolate and peanut butter goodness and love that difference. We wanted to show our fans and future fans the dedication we put into bringing these two flavours together. In a number of – anything but ordinary – scenarios”

The launch film introduces this concept, which is then quickly followed up with an ‘always on’ strand of content launching over the coming months. This content will aim to mirror and manifest culture across four main categories, all designed to enable Reese’s to have an ongoing dialogue with fans of putting peanut butter in things.

Find out more on Mother London.