Little Moons crashed into the ice cream scene in 2021, challenging every category convention, bringing us little balls of gelato ice cream wrapped in chewy rice dough. This invention, from a London-based sister and brother start-up, gained instant viral success, and created big goals for 2022 – increase revenue by 64% YoY and unprompted awareness from a base of 30%.

Our greatest challenge was how to get a challenger brand, that Gen Z had grabbed from day one, into the hands of a larger audience with more established ice-cream habits.

Through MMR research, we discovered an audience mindset most attracted to Little Moons distinctive identity of playful and energetic – the Playful Maximisers.

We crafted a strategy that would speak directly to this mindset – ‘Feed Your Playful’ – appealing to our audience’s playful side, inspiring new discovery and aligning with our creative platform.

We executed this through a C4 partnership, pairing the hottest talent with the coolest ice cream; harnessed the ultimate lunar synergy by becoming the headline sponsor of outdoor cinema Luna Cinema; and fed content through the ultimate play platform, TikTok.

The results were astronomical!

We outsold Luna Cinema’s previous sponsor by 1,302%

Our TikTok content beat engagement benchmarks by 15% and completion by 85%

Most importantly, we shifted unprompted awareness by 10% and hiked sales by a whopping 87% YoY… all on 20% of our competitors’ budgets

Almost 500 press mentions of the campaign was just the cherry on top.

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