Not all intermediaries are created equal – and here’s why.

The term ‘intermediary’ is an interesting one. Dictionary definitions vary as much as the perceptions of the role an intermediary plays. But neither ‘someone who acts as a link between people in order to try and bring about an agreement; a mediator’ nor ‘someone who moves back and forth in the middle area between two sides—a go-between’ accurately explains the role and value that businesses like Oystercatchers bring. But it’s a term the industry understands and so, for now, we’ll run with it.

Maybe it’s the fact the term is so open to interpretation that has created this uneven playground and range of intermediary models:

1. Some charge monthly fees to agencies to help them generate leads – a model that delivers volume over quality

2. Some hold matchmaking or speed-dating events that clients attend for free, but agencies pay to attend

3. Some focus on serving the creative industries, others media, a number operate with a focus on production, and some have multiple specialist offerings

4. Some charge agencies a percentage annual commission of the revenue won from the introduction, after they’ve paid for the lead itself

5. Others charge clients for their consultancy services

6. Some provide a list of agencies that ‘might be able to answer the client’s brief’ at no cost and with little validation of the brief

7. Others work deeply with their clients to ensure the problem is indeed something that a pitch will solve before they ask agencies to respond

8. Some are big businesses, spanning multiple territories and industries, others are sole traders focused on irregular, repeat business

9. Some feel like headhunters (retained and premium), others are much more in the recruitment space (project based and lower cost)

Oystercatchers Provides a White-Gloved Service

Oystercatchers was one of the first players in the intermediary market and we offer an unashamedly white-gloved service. For clients, that consultancy helps them source and select the best fit agency partners, if indeed that is what will best serve the client’s needs. If it’s not the solution, our consultancy helps them create better relationships with their existing partners through evolved ways of working, structures, or upskilling.

Some agencies chose to pay us for the networking, training, awards, and advisory services. These agencies are part of our dynamic Oystercatchers Club – an engaged community of ambitious agencies and their senior marketing counterparts, who benefit from in-person networking events, informed panels, awards and training services.

We Don’t Provide a ‘Pay to Play’ Service for Agencies

But none of these agencies can pay us to be on pitch lists, nor do we charge them commission if they win business from one of our paying clients. That’s because we don’t believe that model is in service of the marketing industry or in the best interest of agencies or clients. By charging agencies to win business, it’s the client who ultimately pays as the agency will need to recoup those charges in the ways they service and deliver for the client.

On the other hand, by retaining and paying for our advisory services, clients know they will get a full and impartial view of the market, we will save them time and act without bias. We will help them navigate the full landscape of all options available to them, unencumbered by agency commission payments or kickbacks to the intermediary.

Agencies know that when a brief comes from Oystercatchers, it has been interrogated and validated, the budget and timelines will allow them to put their best collective feet forward and there will be a level playing field in the pitch.

Where does Oystercatchers Fit in the Market?

So as an intermediary, if that’s what we’re calling it, Oystercatchers tick the boxes of 3, 5, 7, 8 & 9. Clients pay us for our consultancy services because we provide an impartial, transparent service that adds value to the marketing organisation and their procurement partners. And clients can rest assured that no agencies can pay us to influence a pitch list, nor pay us commission for work they win through us.

You can reach me here if you would like to find out more about how we might help you as a client or agency side marketer.