In a campaign created by Virtue, the reproductive health care organization is doubling down on its fight for education, support and care.

In response to the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in June, Planned Parenthood launched a new spot titled “Force of Nature” to aid in the fight for safe access to abortions and reproductive health. Anticipating the result, Planned Parenthood worked for months with its agency, Virtue—powered by VICE—to conceptualize and execute the impactful spot.

The one-minute spot follows the analogy of a storm sweeping across the nation as it depicts several different people going about their day. As the skies darken and the sound of thunder and lightning crash down, snippets of news anchor’s voices share the devastating news that “this storm is unlike anything we’ve seen in 50 years. Abortion has been under attack.” Interrupting the newscast, a narrator explains that the fight will continue while images of protesters ostensibly prepare in the streets. The spot ends with the call to action to join Planned Parenthood’s Bans Off Our Bodies movement and fight alongside them.

“It’s important to show the humanity of who this affects. And who is affected is not a monolith. It’s Black and Brown women, and lower income women who will be affected most. Now it’s up to us to fight back together,” Heather McTavish, group creative director at Virtue, said in a statement. “To keep moving forward. And, to make sure all of our voices are heard. To make sure that we have the right to govern our own bodies.”

This article was originally published on Adweek.