Influencer Intelligence

Influencer Intelligence is a hybrid talent marketing solution, combining a data-driven influencer marketing platform with specialist and expert consultancy services. We help businesses navigate the influencer and celebrity marketing landscape, aiding them in identifying and evaluating the right talent for their campaigns, and planning and measuring communications effectively.

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The only celebrity and influencer marketing platform you need


Find over 120,000 in-depth, verified profiles of influencers, celebrities and taste-makers. Up-to-the-minute data is just the beginning. It’s our specialist, qualitative research against every profile that ensures total relevance and credibility.


From gender, age and geography to interests, affinities and salary, Audience Insights enables brands to understand the overlap between their customers and an influencer’s audience.


Determine the true value of an influencer or celebrity through our proprietary Equity Indices. Measure a celebrity’s geographic appeal and awareness, track the true authority and command of digital influencers and compare them across a range of social media metrics.


Real time social and sentiment analytics that help you discover the conversation topics and social influence of talent. View a snapshot of their reach, number of posts, likes, comments and level of engagement across organic and sponsored content.


Our discovery tool ensures that brands choose talent that is the best for their business objectives. Supported each step of the way by specialist insight, data and verified contacts, we are the number one choice for global brands and agencies.

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Case Study

How Influencer Intelligence’s expertly curated profiles

Influencer Intelligence came to good use for ITB Worldwide, the entertainment marketing agency behind a new campaign for one of the UK’s biggest high street fashion brands for women.

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“Influencer Intelligence enables us to successfully identify and connect with influencers that meet the needs of any client campaign (no matter how niche).

The selection process highlights the importance of data intelligence as a fundamental counterpart to industry insight and reflects the level of maturity influencer marketing has reached today.”

ITB Worldwide


“As a Celebrity Manager for a large charity, I couldn’t do what I do without Influencer Intelligence. It’s an invaluable resource and the team are always helpful and on hand.”



“Influencer Intelligence has been a huge help to Universal Music, especially having all the data and information in one place! The in-depth analytics have enabled us to create more personalised and targeted campaigns.”

Universal Music